1. What do your enjoy about your role at Hepburn MB?
As a pastor, I’ve got a great seat for watching God at work in the lives of real people. He heals, forgives and transforms all of us–and sometimes I get to be a part of what he’s doing. I suppose I love my role for two reasons: Jesus and people.
2. What do you love about Jesus?
I recently preached a series called “Jesus’ Greatest Hits.” Going back to these stories reminded me how there is no one I find more compelling than Jesus. If God is anything like Jesus, I’m in.
3. What do you love about your family?
As our two kids grow into young adulthood, I love who they’re becoming. We don’t build lego much anymore, but now we talk music and books, adventure when we can, and learn together. It’s such a gift to be a dad.
4. What do you love about being a part of Hepburn MB Church?
We’re not particularly smart or successful, polished or powerful. Instead, we’re a relatively diverse group of real people who are together because of Jesus. I like that.
5. What do you love about Saskatchewan?
The green. It’s hard to explain to my friends and relatives from BC, but the green here is, well, greener. (Note: I’m not a Riders’ fan yet.) And the people. There’s a beautiful humility built into the way of life in Saskatchewan.