- What do you enjoy about your role at Hepburn MB? I enjoy doing things behind the scenes that help keep the day to day practical dealings of the church running smoothly. I have great co-workers and love being part of a ministry team.
- What do you love about Jesus? That he loves me no matter what. He knows everything about me, every thought, every word spoken, every messy part of me and loves me still! I cannot imagine where I would be without Him.
- What do you love about your family? I have such a wonderful family, not just immediate but extended as well. People who speak into my life and encourage me. My kids give me great joy and I am now a grandma to the sweetest little guy and a precious little girl! My husband is my rock, my sounding board, my support and my best friend.
- What do you love about being a part of Hepburn MB Church? I love the community. The diversity of the people. Each unique and with different ways of doing things and looking at life, but we are committed to doing life together as a church family and following Jesus.
- What do you love about Saskatchewan? I am a Saskatchewan girl through and through. I love the changing seasons, I love the wide open spaces and I love the slower pace of life on the prairies.